AN EMPIRICAL STUDY TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING USER ACCEPTANCE OF BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (BYOD) IN HIGHER EDUCATION This paper discusses the findings of a research study investigating user acceptance of bring your own device (BYOD) practice to support teaching and learning in a Hong Kong university. Forty-four undergraduate students and two teachers participated in the study. To collect their ratings of agreement with respect to several BYOD-related issues, student participants were…

Access to Technology Is Key to Early Childhood Education

Abstract: Young children can benefit from the proper use of technology in early childhood education. But to realize these potential benefits for children from all income classes, education providers, families, and young children themselves must have access to an adequate technology infrastructure. Technology infrastructure consists of three key components: devices, connectivity, and software. In a…

Disciplina es clave para aprovechar la tecnología en el aula #SegundaParte

Resumen: Los padres juegan un papel muy importante en la relación niño- tecnología ya que estas herramientas tienen muchas ventajas en el aprendizaje de los niños, pero si no se usa correctamente, esto puede ser contraproducente ya que se puede convertir en un distractor. ¿Cómo inculcarles a los estudiantes un balance entre diversión y el proceso…